
Matt Peacock

Matt Peacock
Executive Director and Founder

Matt founded Partners in Hope in 2011 while working as a pastor in the Lake Travis area and after seeing the need for a ministry dedicated to reaching those suffering from social isolation. For Matt, ministry has always involved taking the church outside the walls to people in the community and beyond. He understands the power of connecting people to community and resources so that they will experience the love of Christ.

Matt served in a pastoral role for 20 years at five different churches. Before being called to ministry, he worked in the electrical, mechanical, and petroleum fields. He has a bachelor’s degree in political science, a master’s in public administration, and a master’s in Christian education. God has brought all of his work, ministry, and educational experience together in Partners in Hope. In 2020, Matt self-published Unexpected Connections, where he shares his journey, the history of Partners in Hope, and lessons he’s learned along the way.

Matt has been married to Cynthia since 1993, and they have two grown children they love. After living in a number of cities for work, Matt moved back to Austin (the town where he was born) in 2002. He loves spending time outdoors — admiring creation, hiking a trail, or building something.

“Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.” Psalm 37: 3-6 

B.J. (Bruce) Rogers

B.J. (Bruce) Rogers
Ministry Director –
Cedar Park/Leander (CPL)

B.J. is our first ministry director for Cedar Park/Leander, a new service area for PIH. He is developing new partnerships with churches, schools, and other community organizations, while also recruiting volunteers and working with families who need PIH services.

B.J. comes to PIH with a strong background in ministry. Prior to his new role as a Ministry Director at Partners In Hope-Texas, B. J. served in multiple roles and countries for 16 years with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).  Before the BGEA, B.J. served for twenty years as a pastor, most recently for nine years as Senior Pastor of Asbury Church in Corpus Christi, Texas.

B.J. is married to Lynn and they will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in 2023. They are the parents to two adult children and have five beautiful grandchildren. He enjoys beekeeping, camping and woodworking.

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17

Carissa Bickling

Carissa Bickling
Ministry Director –
Lake Travis (LT)

Carissa is the Ministry Director for Lake Travis. She coordinates with local ministry and church partners to identify members of our community who are struggling with isolation and need support with living conditions.

Carissa graduated from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (go cru!) with a bachelor’s degree in social work and soon after completed her master’s through Texas State University. She started her career with the Local Mental Health Authority in Williamson County, working with children and families navigating tough times. Through that work the Lord has grown her passion to serve the community in which she lives.

Carissa is a newlywed! She was married in November of 2022 to her husband, Kevin. When not working you can find her traveling, playing board games, spending time outside, or trying out a local coffee shop.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” — Ephesians 4:32 ESV”

Susanna Barboni

Susanna Barboni
Community Connections Manager –
Cedar Park/Leander (CPL)

Susanna works in the Cedar Park/Leander area to locate families and individuals who are dealing with social isolation and need connection. She partners with local churches and nonprofits to bring these families hope through community relationships and resources.

Susanna has worked with children and families in many capacities and has always had a passion for serving people. After graduating from Philadelphia College of Bible, with degrees in elementary education and Biblical studies, she began teaching in the Austin area at private schools and through Head Start programs. She enjoys spending time with her husband (who keeps her laughing), and her four biological children and two bonus daughters who keep her young! When not working, she enjoys baking, traveling, and finding new restaurants or coffee shops to try.

“‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:35-40

Rebecca Williams

Rebecca Williams
Community Connections Manager –
Lake Travis (LT)

Rebecca works in the Lake Travis area to identify individuals and families who need connection and support. She partners with local churches and nonprofits to bring these families hope through community relationships and resources.

She graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in advertising journalism and then worked in publishing for 22 years. For the past nine years, Rebecca worked with families helping them with their real estate needs. She has also volunteered for Meals on Wheels and served homeless families at a navigational center.

Rebecca has two grown sons who live in Austin and Fort Worth. She enjoys spending time with her family and her dog. In her free time, you can find her spending time outdoors, hiking on a trail, bike riding, kayaking, or playing pickle ball or tennis with friends.

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

Jill M. Johnson

Jill M. Johnson
Director of Operations

Jill oversees operational, communication, and development strategies with the goal of ensuring that our all of our constituents stay informed about the wonderful things happening at Partners in Hope. Her previous work in ministry gave her a heart for those who need to feel the Presence of Christ through the power of community.

Jill started her career in legislative advocacy, working on pediatric healthcare issues at the state Capitol. She has served as a director and consultant for several nonprofits, and particularly enjoys working with faith-based, healthcare, and education organizations. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor’s in communications (Hook ‘Em!). She and her husband have been married for 31 years and have two grown children. A lifelong Austinite, she loves traveling and exploring all the beauty Texas has to offer.

“Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting — over and over announcing your place, in the family of things.” Mary Oliver

Catie Franklin

Catherine “Catie” Franklin
Special Projects Manager

Catie helps PIH run smoothly by supporting communications, development, and operations. She is a seasoned business administrator having co-owned, with her husband, award-winning jewelry store franchise locations across various states for many years.

After earning a degree in Advertising Art and Illustration from Brookhaven College, Catie started her career in art gallery management and artist promotion before launching the business ownership with her husband. Following the sale of their stores, Catie redirected her focus toward working at Bee Creek UMC, which helped ignite her interests in faith-based community service. She began volunteering with organizations such as Partners in Hope and Helping Hands. She is excited and committed to following this new path God has laid out for her!

In her personal life, Catie treasures her 36-year marriage and enjoys spending time with her family and her beloved pets, including her horse that she enjoys riding when she can.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” — Matthew 6:33

Amy Williams

Amy Williams
Finance Administrator

Amy is originally from the Midwest and graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Financial Planning. She has worked in various accounting roles across a spectrum of industries including hospitality, banking, and public education.

She and her husband met in college and married in 1990 after graduation. In 2004, they were blessed with boy/girl twins who keep them very busy along with two schnauzer puppies!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Board of Directors

James E. Wilhelm, III (Jamie); President - Jamie is an executive vice president for the Austin-based student housing company American Campus Communities. He is responsible for leading the company’s efforts relating to the successful development of public-private partnerships with colleges and universities across the country. He and his wife (Kathy) have two married children (JD and Jason) and live in Lakeway, Texas. Kathy is active with their church (The Lakeway Church) and is a group facilitator with Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). Jamie and Kathy moved to Texas from Columbus, Ohio. Jamie joined the PIH Board in 2019 and has found that serving on this Board is a great way to participate in an important local ministry. He loves how PIH focuses on building sustainable relationships between families suffering from hardship and social isolation with local church groups. These relationships benefit both parties and result in strengthening the Body of Christ.

Brian Oaks; Vice-President - Brian has been a patent attorney with Baker Botts since 1998. Brian grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, and came to Texas in 1990, where he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. After law school in Virginia and several years in Dallas, he and his family moved to Lakeway in 2009. They attend Lake Travis United Methodist Church, where Brian serves on the Missions Committee. Brian joined the Board in 2016.

Laurie Hockenberry; Secretary - Laurie and her husband Mike moved to Lakeway in 2013 after retiring from State Farm Insurance. Laurie spent 35 years with the company in various management positions in Finance,  Auditing and Compliance.  They have one son, Brett, who is married to Ali and lives in South Florida. Both Laurie and Mike are active members of ACTS Church Lakeway. Laurie became familiar with PIH when Mike started working with the organization and several members of ACTS in making improvements to a client’s home. She is excited about the opportunity to be involved in an organization that can have such a positive impact on others.

Bob Corless - After living and working in numerous domestic and international locations, Bob and his wife Joni decided to call Austin home in 2013. They have been married for 33 years and have one adult daughter who is studying to become a registered nurse. Bob retired from Chevron in 2016 after 39 years in facilities engineering. Bob is a member of ACTS Church Lakeway and is currently serving on staff as their Facilities Manager. He was introduced to Partners in Hope by helping with Christmas decorations and later led a small project repairing a client’s trailer. Bob initially saw PIH as a great organization that helps the less fortunate in the Lake Travis area but has learned that it is much more. Partners in Hope also benefits members of the Body of Christ by building treasures in heaven that will not wear out, allowing them to get outside of the church walls to share resources and the love of Christ.

Don Crook - Don is a managing partner of Combined Benefits Group, Inc, an independent insurance agency serving public schools. He and his wife, Dena, began serving with PIH several years ago and Don became a Board member in 2023. Don was introduced to PIH through a partner ministry, Cornerstone Restoration. He quickly learned that PIH was so much more than a simple workday. Instead, he views it as an opportunity to serve not only the needs of the community that often go undetected, but to also feed the souls of those who serve their neighbors. This vision of ministry has also called him to be involved with God of Hope Ministries, which brings the gospel to men behind the walls of our prisons who are seeking hope. Don and Dena attend Austin Ridge Bible Church and have resided in the Lakeway/Bee Cave community since 1993. They have two beautiful daughters, Hannah and Gracie.

Richard (Rich) Gilchrist - Rich joined the Partners in Hope board in 2024. Native New Englanders, Rich and his wife Terry were born and raised in Massachusetts and lived in New Hampshire for many years. Their three children are also native New Englanders, but now they all live in the Austin area. They have five grandchildren, plus another one due in June 2024. They moved to Spicewood in 2016, shortly after the birth of their first grandchild and love everything about Texas! The have volunteered regularly for Community Workdays since 2017 and love the mission of PIH. They are members of Zao Church in Spicewood. They will celebrate 44 years of marriage in June 2024. They love their retired life and feel truly blessed!

Dallas Gregory - Dallas joined PIH as a Board member in 2023 and works as the operations manager for MLD Services, a local HVAC company. Dallas has lived with her husband Lee in Leander, Texas since 2002. Their blended family includes seven grown children and three grandchildren. Dallas is a member of Life Church in Leander and has worked with CASA as a Court Appointed Special Advocate since 2020. Dallas loves the mission of PIH and working with families as she is able. Her favorite scripture verse is Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

James (Jim) Holeman - Jim and his wife, Carol, met at Louisiana Tech in Ruston. They lived in Plano before moving to far Northwest Austin in 1990. Jim worked as an electrical engineer for firms like Compaq and HP before retiring in 2021 from Lifesize (a competitor of Zoom). Carol retired from teaching math at Canyon Vista Middle School in RRISD at the same time, so they are enjoying retired life together including spending time with their four married children and four grandchildren. Jim and Carol have been active in church throughout their marriage. Jim leads an adult Bible study and small group at The Austin Stone Northwest. In November 2023, Jim was reintroduced to PIH when he attended a “Walking with Others” training session. Jim was startled to learn that social isolation is endemic in our society and agreed with PIH’s Biblical approach to addressing this problem. With Matt Peacock’s encouragement, Jim has embraced PIH’s goal of “eliminating social isolation in Central Texas.” 

John Mason - John has served alongside PIH for several years and joined the PIH Board in 2023. He is retired and lives in the Lake Travis area, where he attends Austin Ridge Bible Church. He appreciates how Partners in Hope brings together churches, organizations, and people to help those in need in our community and believes this ministry wonderfully fulfills Christ's instruction to raise up people with a passion to care for, serve, and love our neighbor.  John reminds us that a complete understanding of Christ's teaching is summed up in the following Commandment: "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Keith Morton - Keith joined Partners in Hope as a board member in 2022. He lives with his wife Stephanie in Leander, Texas, where his three adult sons live as well. Keith and his family moved to Austin in 2002, after being born and raised in the Washington, DC area. They call Austin Christian Fellowship their church home. Keith serves on ACF’s Mission Leadership Team, and has been on several national and international mission trips to Managua, Nicaragua where he serves alongside the Nicaraguan Resource Network. It is through his serving in Nicaragua where he came to appreciate that missions is more about “being” than “doing.”  Keith works for the National Credit Union Administration, where he serves as the Regional Director and President of the Asset Management Center.

Susan Priddy -Susan works as a freelance marketing strategist and writer. Originally from San Antonio, she is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin. Susan and her husband Chuck moved back to Austin from the Chicago area in 1993, and they have one adult daughter named Morgan. They attend church at Austin Christian Fellowship (Four Points). Susan joined the Board in 2020 after participating in the development of Matt Peacock’s book about the continued growth of Partners in Hope. After learning about the many stories of lives transformed through the organization’s efforts, she was excited to contribute on a deeper level.

Shannon Scott - Shannon joined the PIH Leadership Team as Board member in 2024.  Originally from upstate New York, Shannon has lived in Austin for 29 years. She and her husband Wesley (an Austin native) have been married and have lived in River Place since 2000. They have a daughter (Reagan) who just graduated from UT-Austin and a son (Ben) who goes to Texas A&M. They have attended Austin Christian Fellowship for almost 20 years. In 2017, Shannon started volunteering with Partners in Hope when she and her son served with YMSL at Community Workdays in the Lake Travis area. She loves supporting the mission and continues to serve by delivering meals and attending workdays. Shannon works for Aon in health care consulting, leading client project work related to employee benefits. She went to Miami of Ohio as an undergraduate and got a master’s in healthcare administration from Southwest Texas State. Although not a native Texan, Shannon has converted and is a now a diehard Longhorn fan!